Sunday, October 14, 2018

Blogs (week three)

Week 3: Blog 9-12

Unit 1-4 (Mon 24th) Practice

For today's lesson we were in the theatre so that we can get a feeling of what it'll be like on the day that we will perform. At the start we started just little warm ups. For instance vocals, knowing your surroundings and being truthful with your acting. Then we all went into our pairs, trios or groups and started practicing for the performance (10th October.) In the session I focused more on trying to make words truthful so that I can present the subtext of my character. That means I need to dig deeper into the character and find the hidden meaning for him. That's so I may succeed in playing Haemon properly.
To help me with voice I did a few vocal exercises before entering class. Then while practicing I tried changing the tone of my voice so that I wouldn't be on a monotone for the whole time. I would change the environment in places. This I thought would really help give the performance different vibes than just anger which is what I  thought it would be like the first time me and my partner performed.

[In these two days were we did work with the theatre company PAPATANGO. All information about the day will be shown in the evaluation]

Unit1-4 (Thurs 27th) Perform & Feedback

In today's lesson we mostly had to focus on remembering our lines and performing it to the best of our abilities. i wasn't really sure what i could really do for I remembered everything and I felt like i was connected to the character. then i realized as we performed it once again that our blocking could be changed. For the whole performance we were standing still and it didn't feel natural to me. To fix the situation I would move around at certain points at which it would feel more comfortable. Then it was time for each of us to perform it in front of Rob. We finished performing it and he gave us feedback that'll be very useful to us when perform it to the actual audience. We showed quite a lot of anger in the performance because our performance is based in a argument so it was very easy to go into anger. Therefore sometimes we could maybe add attitude to it so it's not fully rage throughout the entire performance. The little movements I did were good because it made it look like a young man who didn't want to listen to his father so he would move around from place to place. To annoy the father. Other than that it was very good and we only have to work on that improvement. 

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